Panama is making an important commitment to green hydrogen and will use its geographical position to become a hub for this fuel in the region, and to achieve this on April 28, it will present its national strategy and additional will be presenting four prefeasibility studies including that of a hydrogen transformation plant that will require an investment of about US $ 500 million.

The information was announced by the National Secretary of Energy, Jorge Rivera Staff during the Forum on renewable energies organized by the European Union in cooperation with PROPANAMA, Wallonia Export Investment and the Chambers of Commerce of Germany, France and Holland in Panama. Rivera Staff said that the four prefeasibility studies they will be presenting are specific to projects associated with green hydrogen. “The most important being the prefeasibility study of a plant to transform green hydrogen to ethanol, methanol and kerosene in Panama, which has an approximate value of US $ 500 million and we are giving this information to interested investors so that they do not start from scratch.” As for the strategy, the energy secretary indicated that it will be based on three areas of approach. The first of these is the production of green hydrogen in the country.” There are goals for 2030, 2040 and 2050 that are being set,” he said.


The second area would be the consolidation of this logistics transformation hub, storage and commercialization of these energy vectors in Panama.

Taking into account that Panama is already a fossil fuel hub, especially for ships that use the Canal, this same approach can allow us to develop this activity with this other vector such as green ammonia and green ethanol, which are products derived from green hydrogen that can be stored and transported with better conditions,” said Rivera Staff.

For her part, Izabela Matusz, ambassador of the European Union in Panama, described Panama’s plan to be a green hydrogen hub as an attractive and ambitious policy that will create important opportunities for cooperation and investment. He also indicated that they are looking, from the European Union, with great attention at the national energy strategy of Panama to enter more into electric mobility, in general in sustainable transport, in the green hydrogen strategy and energy interconnection.

As for green hydrogen, he said that it is something that everyone is still discovering as it is a new energy source and there is much to be developed.









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