Klarzen participated in the exchange of knowledge and the promotion of sustainable and renewable energies!!, where our participation in the STAND, was of great importance to promote the implementation of sustainable energy sources, which benefit the reduction of the effects of climate change within the framework of the #CongresoAmbientalCAR.
This meeting also allowed us to share and generate alliances that help us grow and find a common route, the innovation of technologies that benefit and help to care for and preserve the environment.
We participated together with the Israeli Chamber of Commerce and had important meetings such as the visit of the #EmbajadorIsrael to our stand, we also had the visit of the #directordelaCAR, as well as the participation of the #RobinsonDiaz actor, these approaches show us the commitments and challenges to continue building the energy transformation of the country.
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100 S Ashley Drive Suite 600
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R Luis Fernando de Fino, 40 – Mogi Mirim
+55 11 993300630
Israel | Tel Aviv
Ayalon House 12 Abba
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P.O.BOX 3306
+972 3 754 1111
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Astronautics Building
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+86 21 6482 8990